Data Processing Method for Displacement Signal of Involute Spur Gear Drive System

The transverse displacement test principle of the drive shaft is shown in the figure.O-point is the center position of the front end face of the electric eddy current displacement sensor, A’is the center position when the shaft is stationary, A is the center position after the shaft deformation, the radius of the shaft is R, and the displacement of the axis in the direction of measurement of the electric eddy current displacement sensor is C’C.

Let the distance of the measuring direction of the initial offset of A’be y0, i.e.The displacements of axle center after A’B’=y0 propeller shaft deformation are x and Y respectively. In the figure B’B=x and AB=y0+y.The axis displacement C’C of the eddy current displacement sensor in the direction of measurement is

In the formula, the distance Y0 of the initial offset measurement direction is difficult to determine and is taken as 0.

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