Equal height spiral bevel gear modeling

Gear is an important basic part of machinery, and gear transmission is also the main transmission form of most mechanical equipment. Spiral bevel gear is the main transmission part of automobile rear axle, tractor and other equipment, and plays an indispensable role in production. At present, there are mainly two forms of spiral bevel gears: tapered teeth and equal height teeth. Compared with tapered teeth, the service life and transmission performance of equal height teeth are superior. Therefore, many researchers pay more and more attention to the application and research of equal height teeth in recent years. Equal height tooth refers to a kind of gear whose full tooth height is equal everywhere. Its machining methods mainly include orikon tooth system and Klinger tooth system, and their tooth helix is an extended epicycloid.

The machining of contour teeth is complex, which has become the bottleneck restricting its large-scale application for a long time. Since Gleason, Oricon and other foreign companies developed new six axis CNC gear milling machine tools, the structural design, processing and manufacturing of contour teeth have been greatly simplified, and the adjustment of tooth surface has become more and more convenient and fast. Therefore, contour teeth are more and more widely used in vehicle and other industries. Volkswagen in Germany, Chrysler and Rockwell in the United States all eliminated the tapered teeth and replaced them with equal height teeth. GM, Ford, Toyota and Honda in Japan also began to choose them

Contour teeth. China had the processing technology of equal height teeth in the 1970s, but it has not been well developed due to the high requirements for machine tools and complex technology. At present, many domestic enterprises have turned to the processing of equal high tooth spiral bevel gears, but they have not formed the scale of mass production.

The design and processing of equal height spiral bevel gear plays an important role in mechanical transmission, and the equal height spiral bevel gear with excellent performance has attracted the interest of most researchers. With the rapid development of automatic modeling technology, the design and development of equal height spiral bevel gears have attracted more and more attention. Therefore, the three-dimensional automatic modeling of equal high tooth spiral bevel gear is of great significance in improving product performance, quality and manufacturing efficiency.

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