Impact of Input Speed on Vibration of Reduced-Variable Integrated Gear Vibration Test

According to the experiment, the system load is set at 5N.m, the input speed is 1120 r/min, 840 r/min, the sampling frequency is set at 2000 Hz, the sampling frequency is set at 1000Hz and 500Hz respectively when the input speed is 560 r/min and 280 r/min, and the balanced zero clearing test and analysis system is set at 1120 r/min, 840r/min, 560r/min and 280 r/min, respectively.The time-domain response of radial vibration acceleration of non-circular gear at different input speeds is obtained by data processing, as shown in Fig. 1a, 2a, 3a and 4a) respectively, and the corresponding amplitude-frequency curves are shown in Fig. 1b, 2b, 3b and 4b, respectively.

From the spectrum curves of Figures 1 to 4, it can be seen that with the change of input speed_1, the main frequency in the frequency domain response changes significantly, which is consistent with the calculation formula of excitation frequency of time-varying meshing stiffness and excitation frequency of time-varying instantaneous center in the formula, while the influence of input speed on the amplitude corresponding to each main frequency is not obvious.

It can be clearly seen from the time-domain diagram in Figure 1 to Figure 4 that with the increase of input speed, the amplitude of vibration response changes significantly. The peak-to-peak values of time-domain response of vibration acceleration in four groups of data, i.e. input speed increases from 280 r/min to 1120 r/min, are respectively taken out, and the curve of PPV value changing with input speed is obtained as shown in Figure 5.It can be seen from the diagram that with the increase of input speed, the peak-to-peak value of the measured vibration acceleration response increases continuously, ranging from 560 r/min to 840 r/min.During the change, the amplitude of gear vibration increases greatly, which is due to the increase of rotational speed which causes the dynamic load between the teeth to increase, so that the amplitude of vibration increases with the increase of rotational speed. At the same time, the gear will hit at high rotational speed, which will lead to a sudden increase of vibration. The experimental results are basically consistent with the variation rule of gear vibration peak value with rotational speed obtained by theoretical analysis.

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