Influence of load on meshing stiffness curve of variable hyperbolic arc gear

When different loads are applied, the comprehensive elastic deformation of the tooth surface of the variable hyperbolic arc gear changes, making the meshing contact position change, so the stiffness curve will change with the load change. In order to explore the law of its variation, the driving wheels are respectively loaded with the following loads: load 1 is 10 N ·· m, load 2 is 20 N ·· m, and load 3 is 50 N ·· M. Through the finite element post-processing, the meshing stiffness curve of the corresponding gear pair in a meshing cycle under different loads can be calculated, as shown in Figure 1.

It can be seen from Figure 1 that the overall change trend of single tooth meshing stiffness curve is basically the same under different loads. However, with the increase of load, the peak value of the stiffness curve changes greatly. The peak value of the stiffness curve corresponding to the load of 50 N · m is 178.239 Mn / M larger than that corresponding to the load of 10 N · M. it can be seen that the load has a great influence on the peak value of the single tooth meshing stiffness curve.

It can be seen from Figure 2 that the change law of the comprehensive meshing stiffness curve of the double teeth is basically the same under different loads. However, with the increase of the load, the peak value of the stiffness curve increases sharply. In the double tooth meshing region, the peak value of the stiffness corresponding to the load of 50 N · m is 317.526 Mn / M larger than that corresponding to the load of 10 N · M. It can be seen that in one meshing cycle, compared with the peak value of single tooth meshing stiffness curve, the increase of load has a greater impact on the peak value of double tooth heald and meshing stiffness curve.

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