P-beginning gear processing vocabulary Chinese English comparison

1. Path of action 啮合点轨迹
2. Path of contact 接触迹
3. Peak load 峰值负荷
4. Peak torque 峰值扭矩
5. Pedestal bearings 安装差速器壳的架座轴承
6. Performance torque 性能扭矩
7. Perim-mate 研磨锥齿轮和准双面齿轮用的全齿面研磨法
8. Pinion 小轮
9. Pinion axial displacement 小轮轴向位移
10. Pinion cone 小轮锥距
11. Pinion front bearing 小轮前端轴承
12. Pinion head bearing 小轮后端前轴承
13. Pinion rear bearing 小轮后端后轴承
14. Pinion rougher 小轮粗切机
15. Pinion offset 小轮偏置距
16. Pitch 节距,齿距
17. Pitch angle 节锥角
18. Pitch apex 节锥顶
19. Pitch apex beyond crossing point 节锥顶超出至相错点
20. Pitch apex to back 节锥顶至安装端面
21. Pitch apex to crown 节锥顶至轮冠
22. Pitch circle 节圆
23. Pitch cone 节锥
24. Pitch curve 节面曲线
25. Pitch diameter 节径
26. Pitch element 节面母线
27. Pitch line 节线
28. Pitch-line chuck 节圆夹具
29. Pitch-line runout 节线跳动
30. Pitch plane 节面
31. Pitch point 节点
32. Pitch radius 节圆半径
33. Pitch surfaces 节曲面
34. Pitch tolerance 齿距公差
35. Pitch trace 节线
36. Pitch variation 齿距变化量
37. Pitting 点蚀
38. Plane of action 啮合平面
39. Plane of rotation 旋转平面
40. Planning generator 展成法刨齿机
41. Plastic deformation 塑性变形
42. Plastic flow 塑性流动
43. Plate index 分度盘
44. Point diameter 刀尖直径
45. Point of contact 接触点
46. Point radius 刀尖半径
47. Point width 刀顶距
48. Point width taper 刀顶距收缩
49. Pressure lubrication 压力润滑
50. Prime mover torque 原动机扭矩
51. Profile angle 齿廓角
52. Profile bridge 齿廓桥形接触
53. Profile contact ratio 齿廓重合度
54. Profile mismatch 齿廓啮合失配
55. Profile radius of curvature 齿廓曲率半径
56. Proof surface 检测基准面

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