For loaded working side:
Radial force frad1d of hypoid gear pinion is:
Radial force frad2d of hypoid gear wheel is:
For non loaded working side:
Radial force frad1c of hypoid gear pinion is:
Radial force frad2d of hypoid gear wheel is:
According to the above calculation formula of gear pair force, calculate the stress of large and small wheels of hypoid gear respectively. The forces on the large and small wheels of hypoid gear calculated are as follows:
Where, the positive (+) axial force indicates that the axial force direction deviates from the apex of the pitch cone, that is, the gear bears the pushing force, and the negative (-) indicates that the axial force points to the apex of the pitch cone; If the radial force is positive, it means that the radial force direction deviates from the mating gear, that is, the separation force. If it is negative, it means that the direction of the force points to the mating gear, which is called the pulling force. It is assumed that the torque of hypoid gear wheel T2 = 50N m. According to the above formula, fax1d = 1740.56n, fax2d = 814.13n, fax1c = – 1576.5n, fax2c = 598.63n. According to the design stress requirements of hypoid gear, the above calculation results meet the requirements.