In the transmission process, the contact area on the traditional gear tooth surface is a space surface, and the accuracy of the contact area surface has a great impact on the transmission performance; therefore, when analyzing the error of the traditional gear contact area, it is generally necessary to analyze the error of all points in the whole contact area, and the process is very complex. The linear gear is a kind of point meshing gear, in the transmission process, the meshing point of the linear gear always moves along the contact line of the gear; therefore, the contact area on the tooth surface of the linear gear is located on the contact line. When analyzing the error of the contact area of the line gear, we only need to analyze the error of the meshing point on the contact line.
When analyzing the error of the contact area of the linear gear, first select any meshing point P on the theoretical contact line, in the gear coordinate system o1-x1y1z1, o1p → = [xpypzp]; then select the corresponding meshing point P ‘on the actual contact line of the actual tooth surface, in the gear coordinate system o1-x1y1z1, o1p’ → = [XP ‘YP’ ZP ‘]. The error value δ of the meshing point on the contact line is:
In order to analyze the factors that cause the contact line error, Mathematica software is used to construct the ideal tooth surface and error tooth surface model at the same time, and then the influence law of grinding wheel on the tooth profile of cylindrical gear under different position deviation is analyzed, and then the factors that cause the tooth profile error are separated to provide guidance for the adjustment of grinding wheel installation parameters.