Experimental verification of profile error of spiral bevel gear teeth

In order to verify the correctness of the on-machine measurement method for the profile error of spiral bevel gear, a large wheel is machined on the domestic h350g CNC spiral bevel gear grinding machine, and the profile error of the actual tooth surface of the large wheel relative to the theoretical tooth surface is measured by using the on-machine measurement system of the machine tool.

In order to verify the accuracy of the on-line measurement results, the tooth profile error of the actual tooth surface of the large wheel relative to the theoretical tooth surface is measured by using the CNC 3906t gear measurement center.

By comparing the measurement results of tooth profile error between on-line measurement and gear measurement center, the maximum deviation is 9.4 μ m. The correctness of the on-machine measurement method for the profile error of spiral bevel gear teeth is verified. Main causes of deviation: 1) measurement error caused by eccentric gear installation and uneven end face; 2) The measurement error caused by the positioning error of each NC axis of the machine tool.

For the on-line measurement of the profile error of spiral bevel gear, there are many factors affecting the measurement accuracy, including the ambient temperature, the accuracy of the probe, the roughness of the workpiece tooth surface, the end face runout of the workpiece fixture, the positioning accuracy and repeated positioning accuracy of the NC axis of the machine tool. Among these factors, the positioning accuracy and repeated positioning accuracy of NC axis of machine tool have the greatest influence. Domestic h350g CNC spiral bevel gear grinding machine, the two-way positioning accuracy and two-way repeated positioning accuracy of linear shaft can reach ± 2 ~ 3 μ M (measured by Renishaw ml10gold laser interferometer). The positioning accuracy of X, y and Z linear axes is ± 3 μ M calculation, considering the influence of other factors, the accuracy of tooth profile error on machine measurement can reach ± 10 μ m。

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