Optimization of gear modification parameters based on genetic algorithm

① Gene coding of modification parameters

Four modification parameters of driving gear are defined as tooth height deflection (is δ), tooth crown (IC, IC δ), tooth slope (LS δ) and tooth barrel (LB δ). First, each parameter is encoded, and each parameter is represented as a chromosome string composed of 0 and 1 by 16 bit binary code. Each parameter 16 bits corresponds to 65535 samples, and the four parameters in the problem space have enough precision.

② Random initialization group

In genetic algorithm, the initialization of population has a great influence on the performance of the algorithm. Generation I groups can be expressed as:

Where, P (I) represents the I generation population, s represents chromosome, and N represents population size.

In genetic algorithm, the initialization of population has a great influence on the performance of the algorithm. Since the modification parameter can determine the approximate value range according to the empirical formula, the value range of the modification parameter is taken as the boundary condition, n is selected as the population size, and N chromosomes with 64 bits of binary code that meet the boundary condition are randomly generated as the initial population, where n = 50 is taken.

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