Foreign scholars have made some achievements in the research on the dynamic characteristics of planetary gear system. Kahraman initially established the pure torsional dynamic equation of single-stage planetary gear system and carried out experimental research on its nonlinear dynamic model. Lin et al. Established the translation torsion dynamic model of single-stage planetary gear train, solved the natural vibration frequency of the system, studied the influence of gear related parameters on the natural frequency of the system, and provided a theoretical reference for the study of system dynamic characteristics.
Hans dresig introduced a special substructure, which constitutes the basic model of all planetary gear structures. This model allows the dynamic simulation of any number of elastically mounted planetary gearboxes, taking into account the stiffness characteristics of tooth contact and all relevant tooth meshing parameters. The vibration of planetary gears is analyzed and simulated by using ITI simulation x software. Then, Kahraman et al. Studied the composite planetary gear train for the first time, established the pure torsional dynamic equation, studied the inherent characteristics of the system and solved the corresponding eigenvalue problem.
The pure torsion model and vibration mode of composite planetary gears published by Yichao Guo and Robert G. Parker study the degree of freedom model of general composite planetary gears. All vibrations are divided into two types: overall mode and planetary mode. In this paper, the pure torsional dynamic models of these structures will be established, and their vibration characteristics will be studied and proved.
Dhoubib et al. Studied the free vibration characteristics of composite planetary gear train, deduced the linear equation of translation torsion dynamics by using Lagrange formula, and analyzed the influence of system factors on the free vibration of the system, such as changing the position of planetary gear and gyro effect. The results provide an important reference for avoiding bad vibration.
Kiracofe, Daniel R and R. g. Parker extended the single-stage planetary gear train to the multi-stage composite planetary gear train, analyzed the structural vibration mode and natural frequency characteristics of the composite planetary gear, studied and verified the unique properties of translation mode, rotation mode and planetary mode, ignoring the factors such as tooth side clearance and time-varying meshing stiffness in the system.