● STEP6:
○ Sketch new point in Plane Right.
▶ A: Make the sketch in Plane Right to ensure the volume removed in Step 8 correct.
▶ B: the sketch is only one point.
▶ C: Make the point just above A.See Reference Point Figure 1.
● Step7:
○ Make a guide line using the equation driven curve tool
▶ A: Choose 3D sketch
▶ B: Enter the equations parametric for spiral.
– z component is the root angle in radians times
▶ C: Make the point beginning the curve coincident with A.
▶ D: Make the final point of the curve coincident with the bottom corner of the tooth profile spacing.
● Step8:
○ Remove the volume from sketch point from step 6 to the profile of Construction Plane Spaced Teeth 1.
▶ A: Be sure to use the guide curve when removing the amount
▶ B: instant Pattern remove around the spiral bevel gear to calculate the number of teeth.