Rolling impact calculation conclusions for modified helical gears

(1) After tooth surface modification, under a small load, the clearance between the teeth of the latter pair is sufficient to compensate for the effect of the previous teeth on load deformation. The contact between the large and small wheels is “tooth-tooth surface”. Under a large load, the clearance between the latter teeth is not enough to compensate for the effect of the previous teeth on load deformation. The large and small wheels are “tip-tooth surface” contacts.

(2) Before the edge contact occurs, the modified tooth surface moves from the web area to the side edge area of the tooth as the load increases. After the edge contact occurs, the impact position moves along the side edge of the tooth from the root to the top of the tooth, similar to the standard tooth surface.

(3) Tooth surface modification is an effective means to reduce the impact of rodent. In an example, under a given load of 1000Nm, the impact of rodent can be reduced by 66% after optimizing tooth surface modification.

(4) In the example, the meshing impact force of the modified tooth surface is effectively reduced in the load range of 400 Nm to 1600 Nm. At 400 Nm and 1600 Nm, the percentage of meshing impact reduction is 29% and 40% respectively.

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